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Voices of Hope

Voices of Hope

« Voices of Hope: Celebrating Positive Stories and Best Practices with People on the Move » In collaboration with : Don Bosco International Sant’Egidio Belgium Jesuit Refugee Service Europe « Voices of Hope » is an event dedicated to Refugee Day, showcasing...
Soirée cinéma: Together as women

Soirée cinéma: Together as women

Suite à notre table ronde sur le matriarcat et la migration qui s’est tenue le 20 mars, et en commémoration de la Journée internationale de la femme, nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à notre prochaine soirée cinéma, organisée en collaboration avec CathoBel. En...
Round Table: The challenges of Ecumenism today

Round Table: The challenges of Ecumenism today

Conference in English. Round table: The challenges of Ecumenism today. On the framework of the week for Christian unity ‘You shall love the Lord your God…and your neighbour as yourself’, we invite to the round table « The challanges of Ecumenism today » ,...